This is Why Your Website Needs to be Optimized for Mobile
Is it necessary to make your website mobile-friendly? It’s a question that’s coming up more frequently nowadays, as smartphone use increases. A study led by Nottingham Trent University revealed that the average person will check their smartphone or tablet 85 times a day, amounting to approximately five hours on the web. So, is a mobile optimized site necessary? The answer is: absolutely!
Times are changing and long gone are the days where the ease in navigating a website on a handheld device was a rarity; the latter experience being accepted as the norm. As more and more people rely on their smartphones for various aspects of their lives, such as online purchases, it’s essential to develop a website with the smartphone consumer in mind, because easy navigation is what’s in demand to keep a visitor interested.
Your Website is Prioritized in Google Rankings
That’s right. Google introduced a little algorithm in 2015 that changed how mobile search results are displayed, favoring websites that are mobile friendly. Going mobile can help boost your stance in the rankings.
The reliance on smartphones is only getting stronger
We depend on our phones for everything, from using apps to communication and organization to taking photos and having instant service at the tips of our fingers. A mobile friendly website makes the online shopping experience enjoyable and simple for the consumer. It also builds trust, as consumers will return to a streamlined site where products and information are easy to find.
It increases your website’s credibility
Mobile optimization is becoming standard practice, and designing websites that look sleek and function smoothly on all devices is a more straightforward process than in the past. Remember, the first impression a visitor gets upon visiting a website is crucial in determining whether they’ll stay or say sayonara. Taking the leap to optimize your website can help put you ahead of the competition and give your consumers the browsing experience they desire.
Have questions about mobile optimization? We can help! Contact 904Technology today and we can offer advice and a free quote on services.